One Common Agreement between Gandhi and Marxism

Mahatma Gandhi and Marxism are two very different ideologies, but surprisingly, they do have one common agreement. Both Gandhi and Marxism believe in the importance of the working class, or what Gandhi referred to as “the poorest of the poor.”

Gandhi’s philosophy emphasized the need for social and economic equality for all, which is also a fundamental principle of Marxist ideology. Marxists believe that the working class, who are often exploited by capitalists, should organize and fight for their rights. Similarly, Gandhi believed in empowering the poorest of the poor, who were often oppressed by the upper classes.

Both Gandhi and Marxists believed that the working class had the power to change society. Gandhi believed in non-violent resistance, or satyagraha, as a way for the poor to fight back against oppression. Similarly, Marxists believed in revolution as a means of overthrowing the ruling class and establishing a new society.

Another area of common agreement between Gandhi and Marxism is the idea of self-sufficiency or self-reliance. Gandhi advocated for swadeshi, or the use of local resources and goods, as a way of reducing the dependence on foreign goods and promoting economic self-reliance. Similarly, Marxists believe in the importance of self-sufficiency and self-reliance in creating a socialist society.

Despite these similarities, there are also significant differences between Gandhi and Marxist ideology. Gandhi emphasized the importance of spiritual values and religious morality, while Marxism is based on the idea of scientific socialism and materialism. Gandhi also believed in the importance of individual freedom and self-development, while Marxism emphasizes collective ownership and the importance of the community.

In conclusion, while Gandhi and Marxism may seem like opposing ideologies, they do share some important commonalities, especially in their focus on the working class and the importance of self-sufficiency. By understanding these shared beliefs, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of these ideologies and their potential for creating a more just and equitable society.